Engagement of Large Education Groups in Lengthy Transformational Journeys
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Mohamed Sharaf Eldin

The need for longer learning journeys in coaching education is essential to coach transformation and growth, especially for PCC-level/Level 2 education.

During longer weeks of coaching education programs, fatigue and disengagement may set in, and the ability to follow up on weekly tasks, as well maintain healthy levels of participation in synchronous and asynchronous learning activities, can be a challenge for most coaching education schools. This is especially true given specific circumstances, like the change of seasons and  the evolution and transformation of the learner.


The ability to sustain energy and enable learners to keep up with the coaching journey situates the academic provider between difficult polarities, including:

-               Balancing commitment and flexibility.

-               Firmly following rules and understanding personal circumstances.

-               Managing conflicts and alliances that may arise during the program journey between different participants.

-               Integrating technology and respecting the less technologically savvy participants.

-               Maintaining a learning culture.


In this session, we will explore some techniques you can integrate into the coaching education journey that will support coaching students’ engagement during lengthy learning periods.


Learning Objectives

In this session, you will:

1- Discover engagement techniques that can be used in lengthy education journeys that keep consistent energy levels of the groups and individuals engaged in the learning process.

2- Define new roles in the coaching education process for hybrid experiences and understand how to find the education teams’ motivations.

3- Learn how to examine and reduce the complexity and use of tools and technology in coaching education and consider how to integrate less tech-savvy participants, creating a more inclusive, less complex learning journey for everyone. 

Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Pre Recorded
Session Evaluation
Session Slides