We are living through a learning revolution. Catalyzed by an environment of uncertainty and disruptive social, economic and technological change, we are seeing challenges to conventional modes of learning. New, adaptive and reimagined models are emerging that draw on a more expansive understanding of our cognitive and emotional capabilities.
Arts-based experiential learning (ABEL) is in the forefront of this revolution. ABEL represents a huge opportunity for coaches to enhance their own learning and development, as well as bring newly developed tools and practices to accelerate sustainable learning and growth of their clients.
This session will introduce you to the theory and science behind ABEL. We will examine an organizational use case that involves both individual and team coaching as a way to demonstrate the what, the how and the outcomes of an ABEL model.
You will also learn two key components of the ABEL system: an innovative assessment tool that directly measures the impact of ABEL on learners and a field-tested learning portfolio of ABEL activities, exercises andw orkshops that improve skills in key innovation and leadership areas.
Learning Objectives
By attending this session, you will:
- Understand ways to apply ABEL in coaching relationships.
- Discover an innovative way to measure the impact of ABEL on individuals and teams.
- Understand how ABEL drives individual and team outcomes within the context of a real case.