Dancing With Visual Metaphor With Art
Date & Time
Thursday, October 27, 2022, 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Wenjie Zhuang, PCC

We usually communicate in languages. But languages have limitations. People in different countries speak different languages, different people have different abilities to use languages, and people with diverse backgrounds may have varying interpretations of an expression, which limits the flow of a coaching conversation.


Coaching is a people-oriented procedure. Every coaching client is a lovely creature waiting to be awakened and inspired, no matter the language used, or the proficiency thereof.  Coaching beyond words with art is the integration of art into coaching sessions through things like graffiti, collage, music and other creative methods, awakening energy, creating awareness, unleashing potential and promoting achievement of goals.


In this session, I will introduce how to create metaphors with visual art by illustrating the relationship between coaching and visual art and how modern art gives us new ways and chances to create metaphors. We’ll explore three different kinds of visual metaphors, as well as my practical cases of coaching beyond words.


You will learn how visual metaphors can be used in a coaching session, using various media— charcoal, crayon, watercolor, clay, collage, etc.  You’ll also try various exercises for practice.


By the end of the session, you will be able to experience the combination of body, heart and mind and dare to embark on your own adventures.


Learning Objectives


In this session, you will learn to:


1.      Integrate art and metaphor, visualize metaphor, and make coaching conversations more people-oriented

2.      Be more honest with yourself and express yourself more freely and bravely.

3.    Understand that all traditional coaching models and tools could be redesigned to combine innovative elements and personal styles.

Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Pre Recorded
Session Evaluation
Session Slides