More Confident, Agile, Engaging, and Effective: The Improvisation Edge for Coach Educators and Trainers
Date & Time
Thursday, October 27, 2022, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Carrie Spaulding

Session Description:
Educators are tasked with delivering curriculum and creating consistent learning outcomes — and yet, we must arrive at each training session ready to dance in the moment with each new group of learners.


Students have tremendously diverse perspectives, experiences, prior knowledge, learning styles and personalities. Our role as educators requires thinking on our feet; sensing and being responsive to the ever-shifting dynamics and surprises of the classroom; listening well; and embodying a flexible, confident and engaging presence.


Like all humans, we educators are creatures of habit, subject to our own filters, egos and awareness gaps. How can educators — from the newest to the most seasoned — step out of default patterns and comfort zones in order to be more effective facilitators of learning? How can we meet learners where they are, adapting to the needs and opportunities of each group, while maintaining focus on key learning outcomes? How can we bring a more engaging, energizing, conscious, confident and fully embodied presence to each session? How can we keep content we’ve delivered over and over again fresh?


With 23 years of experience designing and delivering robust curricula for diverse learners, educator and professional improviser Carrie Spaulding knows firsthand the game-changing power of improvisation skills in the classroom and will share her insights. During this session, you will learn core concepts of improvisation that can instantly help you teach more effectively, increase presence and group awareness, and lead learning experiences with more confidence and impact.

Learning Outcomes
You will:

  • Learn key principles of improvisation that can instantly help you teach (and coach!) more effectively.
  • Increase agility and confidence as an educator and trainer.
  • Use your body and nonverbal information as resources to enhance presence and increase student engagement.
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Pre Recorded
Session Evaluation
Session Slides