Celebratory Wrap-up
Date & Time
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
William Arruda

Phew! That was a whirlwind! Over the past five months, you accessed A LOT of content from subject matter experts, participated in Q&As and accountability sessions, worked with your accountability partner and started putting together your "grow my practice" plan. Now, it’s time for some acknowledgement and celebration. Join BDWS22 host William Arruda for a session that's a combination giant pat on the back, thoughtful review of content, opportunity to ask questions on any related topic and a little inspiration to keep it all moving forward. This is your chance to reinforce and expand what you have learned to create your business building mindset so you can make your practice soar. Don't miss it!

Theme - Expand
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
Live - Not recorded

Tell Us How We're Doing

Please take a few moments following each session to complete the session evaluations. 

Below the session description, you will find a link to the evaluation.