Questions? Answered.
When is ICF Converge 2025?
When is ICF Converge 2025?
ICF Converge 2025 will take place October 23-25, in San Diego, California, USA at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel.
How many proposals am I allowed to submit?
How many proposals am I allowed to submit?
You are allowed to submit as many proposals as you wish, but please know that only one submission per speaker will be accepted. We encourage you to focus on one session and making it great!
Is there a discount for ICF Converge 25 speakers?
Is there a discount for ICF Converge 25 speakers?
Yes. All accepted Converge 25 speakers will receive 30% off the regular registration price.
Do I have to pick a content theme?
Do I have to pick a content theme?
Yes, all sessions will be part of a content theme. Please note: if your session is accepted, it may not be in the original content theme that you submitted.
Can anyone attend my session, regardless of content level?
Can anyone attend my session, regardless of content level?
Yes! Content levels are just a suggestion for attendees who wish to have leveled guidance when picking their sessions.
How many speakers per session are allowed?
How many speakers per session are allowed?
The maximum number of speakers allowed per session is three.
When can I expect to hear regarding my proposal's status?
When can I expect to hear regarding my proposal's status?
You can expect to hear about the status of your proposal, whether it’s been accepted or not, in May.
How do I create an account?
How do I create an account?
Even if you have attended a previous ICF event that was hosted on Swoogo (this platform), you will still need to create a new account for the ICF Converge 2025 Call for Proposals. Navigate to the main page of the website and click the "Sign In" button. Then, click "Start Here" toward the bottom of the Sign In page. If for some reason you received a message saying you already have an account, please follow the Reset Password prompts.
What if I need help figuring out the submission portal?
What if I need help figuring out the submission portal?
We're happy to assist you! Please contact us by email